"I rode through the rain! I'd - I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might, at least, have some chance to win you."
- Mr. Knightley
out of all the Jane Austen movies, Emma is perhaps my favourite, or it is a close second to Joe Wright's P&P (I chose it soley due to the fact that Joe Wright is directing it and Keira Knightley is in it) Emma as a much better plot and a heroine that I like and that I can sometimes identify with, and Mr. Knightley, shall I say he's one of the most charming men in Austen's novels, after Colonel Brandon and Edward Rochester (but he's a Bronte's character) nevermind that.
going to a theme party on this coming friday and everyone has to dress up as movie characters. I'm still thinking which one I should be (considering the troubling fact that I haven't got a costume and it's hard to find a nice one in HK) usually you hv to hv them custome made and I don't have much time. argh. I've been thinking of a few possibilities.
1. Alice in Alice in Wonderland
2. Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz (just because I have a pair of red shoes)
3. Wednesday Addams (the plaits are easy to do compared to the blonde wig I need to get for Alice's character)
4. Helen of Troy in Troy
5. Olympia (Angelina Jolie's character in Alexander)
you see I'm going for the toga ones cuz I really want to have a toga party
6. Holly Golightly
7. Celia in Atonement
or just any flappers in the 20s