Thursday, March 27, 2008

books... books... more books

just got to know this author - Iain Pears. his books look interesting, kind of mystery/suspense... I don't really know, but I'm interested in the one called The Dream of Scipio.

watched Becoming Jane the other day, and I'm suddenly interested in her novels again. Used to read Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, but maybe I was too young at that time (around 12) and seriously as a non-native english speaker I don't really know what Austen's writing about. but now I somehow grasp her words, there's certainly a subtle force in it that makes her novels one of the top books of all time. I'm going to read Bronte's Jane Eyre after the exam too... lots of books unread.

going to finish off Ian McEwan's Enduring Love, the Dreamer... don't really like the plot and background of On Chesil Beach.

haven't finished Antonia Fraser's Marie Antoinette as well... and I'm planning to reread Left Bank. and I'm going to get Oscar Wilde's complete works, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and the Damned and This Side of Paradise. just love his books and the decadence of Jazz Age.

will probably update after the exam.

bonne nuit

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